VKV (NEEPCO) Bokuloni celebrated Universal Brotherhood Day to honour the 130th historic Chicago Speech of Swami Vivekananda. Six guests were invited from the nearby localities who are skilled in different fields; Palash Saikia, an Agriculturalist, Samiran Borah an Entrepreneur and Mushroom cultivator, Chenehi Gogoi, Nature Activist, Tikheswar Chetia Retd. Mathematics Teacher with his own YouTube channel, Dulal Barua, Mask Artist (Bhaona Artefacts). Smt Meghna Kakoty, Principal VKV (NEEPCO) Bokuloni welcomed the reverend guests and all the members of the Vidyalaya. To pay homage to the great scholar a group of students presented two songs based on the life of Swami Vivekananda. A student of Class VIII boldly delivered Swamiji's iconic Chicago Speech. Shabnam Didi in her speech emphasized on Swamiji's preachings and his contribution to unify the Indian society. Through a PowerPoint presentation the proficiencies of the invited guests were shown to the students to encourage them to think and develop their own capabilities and skills. At the last the guests shared their experiences of the day and thanked the school for honouring them encouraging the students to be independent thinkers and prepare themselves to cope up with the demands of today's challenging world. Smt. Chenehi Gogoi donated more than 30 native plants to all the staff members of our school. On the eve of the occasion our vidyalaya celebrated the day along with 3 nearby schools; Jatiya Vidyalaya, Chicia M.V Bokuloni and Bokuloni Jatiya Vidyalaya. A competition was conducted in those schools titled as 'Come As We Wish', where the students performed the roles of important personalities of the Kendra. Overall the whole programme was well-organized and well-executed.