3. Teachers & Students carry jute & cloth bag. We
avoid single use plastic completely.
4. For prasad
distribution in different pujas & occasions, we use banana & kou
leaves instead of disposable plates.
6. Eco-friendly decoration:
a) During summer camps students were trained by renowned
artist Sri Prabin Kr. Nath to make various kind of decorative with used paper
so that we avoid using any kind of plastic for decorating the school for
different occasions.
b) For last year’s children day, we decorated the halls with
handmade kites thus encouraging the ue of ecofriendly materials to create not
just decoration but help make eco-friendly a way of life.
7. Handmade paperbags were given as welcome gift to
participants & guests in school event(Social Science Exploratory Project
8. The whole year we are also trying to sensitize students, parents, neighbours and shopkeepers to avoid using single use plastic & to adopt eco-friendly habit forming activities.