CBP on Arts Integration


Resource person –Smt. Rita Kamalapuri 

Introduction: The Art Integrated Learning program by CBSE aims to revolutionize education by incorporating various forms of art into the curriculum. This report provides a detailed overview of the program, highlighting its significance, objectives, methodologies, and outcomes.

Objective: The primary objective of the Art Integrated Learning initiative is to enhance students' learning experiences by integrating arts such as visual arts, music, dance, theatre, and culinary arts into the curriculum. This approach aims to foster creativity, critical thinking, collaboration, and holistic development among learners.

Event Overview: On 28/05/24, a CBP on Art Integration was conducted by  Smt. Rita Kamalapuri at Vivekananda Kendra Vidyalaya (NEEPCO) Bokuloni. The event was attended by teachers from various schools. Smt. Meghna Kakoty, Principal, VKV (NEEPCO) Bokuloni, inaugurated the event and felicitated Rita Didi with a Phoolam Gamusa and she emphasized the importance of art integration in education.

Activities and Workshops: The event commenced with participants introducing themselves using mathematical shapes, setting the tone for interactive learning. Rita Didi elaborated on CBSE's art integrated projects and emphasized the importance of art integration in classrooms. Various activities were organized, including group discussions using play-way methods and role-playing to demonstrate how to incorporate art into teaching. Teachers actively participated in these activities, showcasing their talents and learning innovative teaching methodologies.

Focus Areas and Skills Enhanced: The workshop emphasized enhancing various skills and competencies among learners, including scientific temper, ethical reasoning, collaboration, problem-solving, gender sensitivity, environmental awareness, vocational skills, and digital literacy. The importance of fostering creativity, innovation, and aesthetic sense among students was also highlighted.

Curriculum Integration: Participants were provided with a list of activities to implement in classrooms to facilitate art integrated learning. A comprehensive presentation elucidated the process, necessity, and importance of art integration in students' lives, emphasizing its role in promoting holistic development and academic excellence.

This report serves as a testament to the transformative potential of art integrated learning in shaping the future of education.

The Capacity Building Program (CBP) on Art Integration is designed to enhance educators' understanding and implementation of art integration within the curriculum. The provided activities aim to foster a deeper engagement with artistic processes and cultural heritage, allowing students to develop critical thinking, creativity, and a greater appreciation for the arts.


Group Reflection: Educators are divided into groups to reflect on various spaces, events, and tasks where arts can be integrated.

Documentation: Each group documents their thoughts on an A4  sheet.

Presentation: A representative from each group shares their findings with the larger group.

Group Identity: Each group creates a name and an icon that represents their group.

Outcome: This activity promotes collaborative brainstorming among educators, leading to innovative ideas for incorporating arts in daily school activities and spaces. By reflecting on and sharing their insights, educators can develop a comprehensive plan for art integration across various aspects of the school environment.

Role of Museums/Heritage Sites/Artefacts

Objective: Activities focuses on utilizing external cultural resources such as museums, heritage sites, and local crafts to enhance student learning. The goal is to connect classroom concepts with real-world cultural experiences, thereby deepening students' understanding and appreciation of their cultural heritage.

Instructions: Reflection: Educators reflect on the availability and relevance of museums, cultural centers, and heritage sites in their area.

Discussion: Groups discuss how these resources can be used to support subject-specific concepts and student learning.

Activity Design: Each group designs an activity worksheet aimed at enhancing student learning through:

Visits to museums and heritage sites.

Observing and interacting with local craftsmen.

Engaging with artefacts.

Outcome: By incorporating these external resources, educators can provide students with immersive learning experiences that connect theoretical knowledge with tangible cultural artefacts and practices. This approach not only enriches the curriculum but also fosters a deeper appreciation of cultural heritage among students.

The CBP on Art Integration empowers educators to creatively incorporate arts into their teaching practices. Activities highlight the importance of both internal reflection on school spaces and external engagement with cultural resources. Through these activities, educators can develop innovative strategies to make learning more dynamic and culturally enriching for their students.

Conclusion: The Art Integrated Learning initiative by CBSE offers a progressive approach to education, enriching students' learning experiences and nurturing their holistic development. By integrating various forms of art into the curriculum, CBSE aims to cultivate a generation of creative thinkers, problem solvers, and socially responsible citizens.

Acknowledgments: We extend our gratitude to Smt. Rita Kamalapuri, Principal Meghna Kakoty Didi, and all participants for their invaluable contributions to the success of the event. Special thanks to CBSE for spearheading initiatives that redefine education and empower learners.

World Menstrual Hygiene Day 2024

  Empowering Girls: 

Observance of Menstrual Hygiene Day at Vivekananda Kendra Vidyalaya NEEPCO BOKULONI

Date: 28/05/24

Our Vidyalaya commemorated Menstrual Hygiene Day on May 28, 2024, with a comprehensive programme aimed at educating and empowering girls from Classes IV to X about maintaining proper hygiene during menstruation.

The event commenced with an informative session conducted by Banashree Didi and Chandana Didi, who diligently elucidated the significance of menstrual hygiene and dispelled myths surrounding menstruation. The students were enlightened about the importance of using sanitary pads instead of cloth during periods to ensure hygiene and prevent infections. They were also instructed on the correct method of pad usage and disposal.

The session emphasized the necessity of always keeping extra pads in their bags, fostering a habit of preparedness. Moreover, the girls were educated on the importance of maintaining personal cleanliness, including taking showers and washing hands before and after using pads.

Motivational advertisements were showcased to encourage the girls not to feel ashamed or hesitant to seek pads or discuss their needs with teachers. The supportive environment fostered during the event aimed to create a safe space for open dialogue and support.

A practical demonstration on the proper usage and disposal of pads, including wrapping them in newspapers, was conducted to ensure comprehension and adherence to hygienic practices.

In a gesture of support and solidarity, sanitary pads were distributed to all the girls, as well as to the lady teachers and non-teaching staff present, marking the culmination of the program.

Through this initiative, Vivekananda Kendra Vidyalaya NEEPCO BOKULONI reaffirmed its commitment to promoting menstrual hygiene awareness and empowering young girls to manage their menstrual health with confidence and dignity.

Madhavdev's Tithi

On May 24, 2024, Vivekananda Kendra Vidyalaya NEEPCO BOKULONI commemorated the birth anniversary of Madhabdev with reverence and enthusiasm. The event, initiated by Sabnam Kotoky Didi, highlighted Madhabdev's profound impact on Assam's cultural and spiritual ethos.

The occasion commenced with a tribute by Sabnam Kotoky Didi, who eloquently elucidated Madhabdev's diverse contributions, shaping Assam's cultural fabric and inspiring countless souls through his timeless wisdom.

Ranjit Domai Sir infused the atmosphere with melodious renditions, engaging the students in a soulful musical tribute to Madhabdev.

A stimulating PPT presentation competition, organized house-wise, became the focal point of the event. Under the guidance of their respective house teachers, students meticulously prepared presentations focusing on Madhabdev's Borgeet compositions. The students' enthusiastic participation showcased their admiration for Madhabdev's musical legacy.

The event concluded on a note of reverence and inspiration, with students and faculty alike enriched by the celebration of Madhabdev's invaluable contributions to Assamese culture and spirituality.

Vivekananda Kendra Vidyalaya NEEPCO BOKULONI continues its endeavor to imbibe cultural and spiritual values among its students, paying homage to illustrious figures like Madhabdev.

Motivational Talk by Brahma Kuma BK Bhagwan Bhai

On May 17, 2024, students (Classes VIII - X) of VKV NEEPCO BOKULONI were privileged to attend a motivational talk by renowned speaker Brahma Kumar BK Bhagwan Bhai. The session aimed to instill the importance of moral values in the lives of students, emphasizing their role in shaping character and success.

Shri BK Bhagwan Bhai captivated the audience with his eloquence and insightful anecdotes, drawn from his vast experience and knowledge. He articulated the significance of moral values such as honesty, integrity, and compassion, illustrating their practical application in everyday life through compelling examples.

Throughout the session, Shri BK Bhagwan Bhai urged students to reflect on their actions and choices, highlighting the profound impact of moral conduct on personal growth and societal well-being. He emphasized the importance of cultivating virtues like empathy and respect, in fostering harmonious relationships and a sense of belonging in the community.

Shri BK Bhagwan Bhai supplemented his speech with engaging visuals and real-life stories, making the concepts easily relatable and memorable for the young audience. His interactive approach encouraged active participation and sparked meaningful discussions among the students.

The talk concluded with a call to action, urging students to integrate moral values into their daily lives and serve as beacons of positive change in their respective spheres. Shri BK Bhagwan Bhai's inspirational words resonated deeply with the attendees, leaving a lasting impression and motivating them to strive for excellence with integrity and compassion.

Overall, the motivational talk by Dhri BK Bhagwan Bhai was a resounding success, empowering students with invaluable insights and guiding principles to navigate life's challenges with grace and integrity. The event served as a testament to the enduring relevance of moral values in shaping individuals of character and conscience. At last the students were appreciated and a few were selected and taken interview which will telecast in their YouTube channel.


Counselling Session

On May 9th and 10th, two distinguished individuals from Kanyakumari visited our Vidyalaya: Milind Mazumdar and Abhaya Mazumdar. Milind Mazumdar is an experienced engineer who served for 25 years in a government organization, while Abhaya Mazumdar was previously a mathematics teacher before she developed her training business, which includes many coaching centers offering specialized courses. On May 9th, they conducted a one-hour session with the Class 10 students. After the class, they participated in the Kendra Varga with the teachers, discussing how to prevent the spread of incorrect narratives among students. On the second day, both Milind and Abhaya Mazumdar conducted mathematics classes for Class 9 and Class 10. The sessions were highly productive, and the students greatly benefited from their expertise.

NCC Raising Day: A Celebration of Unity and Patriotism

The auspicious occasion of the NCC Raising Day was celebrated with great enthusiasm at Vivekananda Kendra Vidyalaya NEEPCO, Bokuloni on July 7th, 2024. The event, marked by a series of inspiring speeches, soul-stirring performances, and heartfelt expressions of gratitude, showcased the values of unity, discipline, and patriotism that lie at the heart of the National Cadet Corps.

The event commenced with a warm welcome extended to all esteemed guests who graced the occasion with their presence. Smt. Meghna Kakaty, Principal, VKV (NEEPCO) Bokuloni felicitated the Commanding Officer, AO , Senior  JCO and GCI of the event, acknowledging their dedication and commitment. The Commanding Officer Col Surjeet Singh,  delivered insightful speeches, emphasizing the significance of the NCC Raising Day and the values it embodies. The event was enriched by captivating performances, including soulful renditions of Bhajans, mesmerizing dance performances, and patriotic songs, which enthralled the audience and instilled a sense of pride and joy. Cadet Anindita Borah shared her perspective and experiences, offering a glimpse into the transformative journey of NCC cadets. A heartfelt vote of thanks was extended to all organizers, participants, volunteers, and sponsors whose contributions were instrumental in making the event a resounding success.

The NCC Raising Day celebration at Vivekananda Kendra Vidyalaya NEEPCO, Bokuloni served as a reminder of the enduring values of unity, discipline, and patriotism. As we reflect on this memorable occasion, let us carry forward the spirit of camaraderie and service instilled by the NCC, and continue to uphold the ideals of our nation with faith, honesty, and devotion.