World Menstrual Hygiene Day 2024

  Empowering Girls: 

Observance of Menstrual Hygiene Day at Vivekananda Kendra Vidyalaya NEEPCO BOKULONI

Date: 28/05/24

Our Vidyalaya commemorated Menstrual Hygiene Day on May 28, 2024, with a comprehensive programme aimed at educating and empowering girls from Classes IV to X about maintaining proper hygiene during menstruation.

The event commenced with an informative session conducted by Banashree Didi and Chandana Didi, who diligently elucidated the significance of menstrual hygiene and dispelled myths surrounding menstruation. The students were enlightened about the importance of using sanitary pads instead of cloth during periods to ensure hygiene and prevent infections. They were also instructed on the correct method of pad usage and disposal.

The session emphasized the necessity of always keeping extra pads in their bags, fostering a habit of preparedness. Moreover, the girls were educated on the importance of maintaining personal cleanliness, including taking showers and washing hands before and after using pads.

Motivational advertisements were showcased to encourage the girls not to feel ashamed or hesitant to seek pads or discuss their needs with teachers. The supportive environment fostered during the event aimed to create a safe space for open dialogue and support.

A practical demonstration on the proper usage and disposal of pads, including wrapping them in newspapers, was conducted to ensure comprehension and adherence to hygienic practices.

In a gesture of support and solidarity, sanitary pads were distributed to all the girls, as well as to the lady teachers and non-teaching staff present, marking the culmination of the program.

Through this initiative, Vivekananda Kendra Vidyalaya NEEPCO BOKULONI reaffirmed its commitment to promoting menstrual hygiene awareness and empowering young girls to manage their menstrual health with confidence and dignity.