Teachers' Day Celebration

The Teachers' Day celebration at VKV NEEPCO Bokuloni was a remarkable event, organized and led entirely by the students of Class X.

Among the various activities organized, the most touching moment was when the children washed the feet of their teachers and applied tilakam as a mark of respect and reverence. This gesture was a powerful reminder of the deep-rooted cultural values. The celebration commenced with the morning assembly, which was conducted by Class X students, who took charge of all the activities, from leading the prayers to managing the day's programme. A special timetable was set for the day, and the students seamlessly took over the teaching responsibilities, delivering lessons with enthusiasm and dedication.

The presence of parents added a special touch to the occasion, as they came to show their respect and gratitude towards the teachers. Their involvement further underscored the importance of the day and the deep bond between teachers, students, and the community.

 At 11:15 AM, the main program began with the traditional Mangalacharan, invoking blessings for the success of the event. This was followed by a speech delivered by Sudip Sir who eloquently spoke about the significance of Teachers' Day. Sir highlighted the reasons why one should aspire to become a teacher, emphasizing the noble role teachers play in shaping the future of society. Sudip Sir’s  speech was enriched with numerous examples that underscored the importance of education and the vital role of teachers.

The students then presented a short video accompanied by a song that beautifully portrayed the significance of teachers in our lives. The video was followed by a lively dance performance that added energy and vibrancy to the celebration.

An inspiring moment in the program was when Kabita Thapa, a student of Class X, shared her personal experience and thoughts on the day. Her heartfelt words resonated with everyone present, as she expressed her gratitude towards her teachers and the lessons they imparted.

As a token of appreciation, the students addressed the teachers with special titles, acknowledging their unique qualities and contributions. The day also included a segment where students were recognized for their exceptional performance in conducting the day's classes, adding a sense of achievement and encouragement.

The program concluded with the Shanti Path, followed by the Kendra Prarthana, marking the end of a memorable and meaningful celebration.