Gita Jayanti - KG students are in action. Competitions are held Class wise from Class I to IX. Competition among teachers is Scheduled tomorrow (15/12/2021). Smt. Jyotsna Srivastava Didi spoke on the significance of the day.
"Arise, awake, and stop not till the goal is reached." - Swami Vivekananda
Sadhana Diwas
Sadhana Diwas was observed in the School on 19th November 2021. Chandana Didi delivered a speech on the life story of Eknathji and his contributions to establish Vivekananda Kendra and Vivekananda Kendra Vidyalayas. Students of Class IX and X sang a beautiful song on Eknathji. Sri. Guru Charan Das Sir, Principal Vivekananda Kendra Vidyalaya (NEEPCO) Bokuloni offered Pushpanjali to Eknathji which was followed by all the Teachers, Staff Members and Students one by one.
Children's Day
Belated Children's Day was observed on 15th November 2021 on School. Alankrita didi delivered a speech greeting the children with warm wishes and emphasized on how a child with vision can make a huge difference and their importance in Nation Building. Ranjit Sir dedicated a beautiful assamese song to the students.
Prize Distribution (Vigilance Awareness Week)
Nivedita Jayanti and Vigilence Week
Nivedita Jayanti and Vigilance Week were observed collaboratively on 29th October at 1:00 p.m. on a virtual mode. Drawing competition and Slogan Writing competition were held among the students of classes VI to X. A group of students from the vidyalaya also participated in an online Quiz & Art Competitions organized by Oil India Limited on 27th October 2021 where in Smt. Mayuranki Sonowal and Smt. Rimi Paul (both from Class X) bagged Inspirational Prize respectively.
Letter No. BOKU/2021-22/49 1st November 2021
Dy. General Manager (E/M)
Vigilance Wing,
Bokuloni, Assam
Sub: Results of the “Online Art Competition and Slogan Writing Competition” amongst the students of classes VI to X held on Vigilance Awareness Week-2021
Respected Sir,
We are pleased to announce below the results of Art and Slogan Writing competitions among the students of classes VI-X on the occasion of Vigilance week 2021 organized by VKV (NEEPCO) Bokuloni.
Art Competition:
Group-A (Classes- VI, VII,VIII)
Position |
Name of the Participant |
Class |
1st |
Trisha Dey |
2nd |
Tajaynnya Gogoi |
3rd |
Harshita Gogoi |
VI |
Group-B (Classes- IX, X)
Position |
Name of the Participant |
Class |
1st |
Rimi Paul |
X |
2nd |
Abhineet Gogoi |
IX |
3rd |
Aditya Saikia |
Slogan Competition:
Group-A (Classes- VI, VII, VIII)
Position |
Name of the Participant |
Class |
1st |
Pratyakhi Chakradhara |
2nd |
Archinisha Chetia |
3rd |
Shikharani Gogoi |
Group-B (Classes- IX, X)
Position |
Name of the Participant |
Class |
1st |
Nirbhita Borah |
X |
2nd |
Pinakshi Kumar |
X |
3rd |
Tanushree Saikia |
IX |
We convey our heartiest congratulations to the prize winners and wish to have their same endeavor of active participations in future also. We also convey our best wishes to all the participants who have put their best efforts in the competitions. The prizes will be distributed through the school by AGBP (NEEPCO) Bokuloni as intimated.
With Regards
Guru Charan Das
Head of VKV (NEEPCO) Bokuloni
Gandhi Jayanti and Shastri Jayanti
Gandhi Jayanti cum Shastri Jayanti was celebrated on 2nd October 2021 at 10.30 am on virtual mode. Chandana didi spoke about the significance of the day and showed a beautiful video on Swaccha Bharat Abhiyan, compiled with the help of our alumni Yuvajeet Gogoi. Gita didi composed a poem on Gandhiji and recited the same.
Click to watch video on Swaccha Bharat

“Rashtriya Poshan Maah”
On account of Rastriya Poshan Maah the following activities were performed by the students under the guidance of the Science Teachers:
1) All the chapters related to food and nutrition are explained and activities related to the chapters were performed by the students.
2) PPT Presentation on the topic –“Nutritious Tiffin Items” was assigned to the students of VI to IX standard.
3) A project on “Germination of Seeds” was assigned to the students of class V and Class VI.
4) Class-X Students were involved in sowing seeds and plantation in the preparation of a Kitchen Garden.
Students were assigned to go through the following activities:
- Preparation of Soil (Tub)
- Watering and adding manure.
- Sowing seeds
- Observation and conclusion
Skill Exchange Workshop
A Workshop on Skill Exchange was organized for the teaching and non-teaching staff of the Vidyalaya on 14,15 and 16 Sept 2021 on the eve of Vishwakarma Puja. Enthusiasm and industriousness shown by the participants and the leaders are encouraging and appreciable. Follow up would be done on a regular basis at a stipulated time interval.
Universal Brotherhood Day
Universal Brotherhood Day was celebrated on 11th September 2021 at 4:00 p.m. on a virtual mode. Ma. Rekha Didi graced the occasion as the speaker. Anchoring with a Power Point Presentation on Ma Nivedita didi's letter and the Video on Kendra Activities were highly appreciated.
No of participants Online- 534
No of participants Offline - 43
Click link to watch video on Vivekanda Kendra- A Thought Movement
Mahapurush Srimanta Shankardev Tithi
Mahapurush Srimanta Shankardev Tithi was celebrated on 8th September 2021 on a virtual mode. Smt. Parul Talukdar, Senior Assistant Teacher, Purbanchal Karikari Vidayalaya and Mananeeya Ravindranath Pathak, Ex-Officer In-charge, VKSPV, Guwahati graced the occasion as the Chief Guest and Guest of Honour respectively.
No. of participants online : 180
No. of participants Offline : 48
Teachers' Day
Teachers’ Day was celebrated on 4th September 2021 on virtual mode for the students and alumni. As a guest speaker Smt. Tara Sonar, Ex-Teacher of VKV (NEEPCO) Bokuloni was invited.
No. of participants online : 250
No. of participants Offline : 42
Interaction Session with Ma. Vishwas Lapalkar ji
An interaction Session with Mananeeya Vishwas Lapalkar ji to unfold the Techniques of Teaching – Learning for the students of Classes IX & X of VKV (NEEPCO) Bokuloni and the teachers of different VKVs under VKSPV was organized on the eve of Teachers' Day.
The programme started at 4.00 pm where our Principal, Sri Guru Charan Das Sir welcomed all the students, teachers and other dignitaries. It started with a beautiful group song by students.
The interaction session with students was highly appreciated by all the participants. It was actually an activity for the students (ASL). Skills of introducing, questioning, speaking, listening and writing have been assessed by the English Teachers of the school.
No. of participants online : 125
No. of participants Offline : 35
Krishna Janmashtami
Our vidyalaya celebrated Krishna Janmashtami on 30th Aug 2021. The programme was addressed with a warm welcome speech by Sushila didi. On the birthday of Lord Krishna, Krishna bhajan was presented by primary students followed by Gita chanting. A speech on the significance of the day was delivered by Mowsumi didi and students of vidyalaya presented different cultural performances like act by KG students, dance, group song etc. A story on Lord Krishna was also presented.
Attendance - 316 (online), 30 (offline)
Madhavdev Tithi
Madhavdev Tithi was observed on 27th August 2021 on a virtual mode. A speech was delivered by Uttara Didi and a Borgeet was presented by Ranjit Sir for the students from classes K.G. to X.
Click to watch the video of Borgeet
Eknathji's Punyatithi and Raksha Bandhan
Eknathji's Punya Thithi and Raksha Bandhan - The Vidyalaya celebrated Eknathji's Punya Thithi and Raksha Bandhan on 22nd of Aug 2021via both online and offline mode. Pushpanjali was offered to the departed soul of Ma. Eknathji Ranade, the founder of Vivekananda Kendra, Kanyakumari in the morning by the teachers of the Vidyalaya. The programme started at 10.30 am. Sanjay Srivastav Sir welcomed everyone present. A group song on Eknathji was performed. It was followed by a poetical presentation on Eknathji's life- one vision one mission by students. All the Jeevanvrati karykartas of VK were introduced to the students, parents and teachers by a slide show presentation on a virtual mode. The main attraction of the program was the speech delivered by Su. Aparna didi, Secretary,VKVAPT. There were other cultural items including group song and dance on Rakshabandhan. The last item was a video presentation- "Hands that made History"; paying tribute to farmers, weavers, spinners and all the corona warriors. The video showed how our school go for an ecofriendly celebration and tied Rakhi to all the great souls who devoted their life to the nation.
Attendance - 496(online), 30 (offline)
Click to watch the video: Hands that made History75th Independence Day
The 75th Independence Day celebration was celebrated both on Online and Offline modes.
Total No. of Participants : Online : 225 and Offline : 30
At 8.00 am the Tri-color flag was hoisted by Principal, Sri. Guru Charan Das Sir after which he gave an inspiring speech on the significance of the day followed by chanting of Swadesh Mantra by Emon didi. A beautiful song was performed by Nirbita Borah, class X followed by a speech by Droon Acharjee, class X. The program ended with a group song by students.
Click to watch the Flag Hoisting Program
A Vimarsh was organised on a virtual mode on 15th August 2021 at 4:00 p.m.
Speaker : Su. Meera Kulkarani
Topic : Amrit Parivar me Grihini ka Mahatva aur Corona kaal me Shiksha
Teachers, Lady Parents (Class KG to V), Alumni attended and actively participated in the Vimarsh programme. Total attendance : 106
Amrit Utsav
Amrit Utsav was held offline on 14th August 2021 for teaching and non teaching staff members, their family including all the members of Amrit Parivar maintaining all the covid-19 protocols. The programme started at 11.00 am in the school premises in the traditional way with Mangalacharan. Pinky didi welcomed everyone followed by a song by Ranjit Sir. Sankalpa taking was done. Jyotsna didi led a vimarsh on the topic "Swatantrata ka Abhipray tatha Parivar ki Safalata mein Azadi ka Yogdaan", which was discussed among all the members. Different cultural presentations like poem recitation by teachers, songs on family by students, mime etc. were performed and games were played.
Total No. of Participants : 47
Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav from 13th to 16th August
Different co-curricular competitions and programmes were held amongst students and parents from 13th to 16th August 2021.

Result of Inter VKV Speech Competition
1st Prize Swarnav Dey VKV Ramnagar Silchar (Class
2nd Prize Barnastha Neog VKV, Dhemaji
3rd Prize Priyanshu Baruah VKV, Tingrai
3rd Prize Nistha Chamuah VKV, Dhemaji
Consolation Prize Lipsi Sharma VKV, Tezpur
Guru Purnima
No. of Participants offline: 30, No. of YouTube views: 539 views till the moment of reporting, Live views:105 viewers.
Swadhyaya on Mananeeya Nibedita Didi's Letter
Nibedita Didi's Letter was read. A ppt. was made and presented. The ppt. is also going to be presented in Guru Purnima Celebration on 24th July 2021 at 10.30 am.
A 7 Day Workshop for Supporting Staff
A 7 day workshop for the Supporting Staff of Vivekananda Kendra Vidyalaya (NEEPCO) Bokuloni (7 July to 14 July) is being organised to ensure:
1. Each of the members can write his/her name in English, Hindi and Assamese.
2. Mangalacharan, Shantipath, Bhojan Mantra and minimum of two bhajans can be sung by each.
3. Application forms( Bank, PO, School's Office etc.) can be filled up by each of them.
4. Simple Applications for leave etc. can be written by each of them
Swami Vivekananda's Punyatithi
International Yoga Day
The 10 Day Yoga Satra successfully completes on 21st June 2021. The 7th International Yoga Day was celebrated both on Online and Offline modes. The 10 days Yoga Satra was organised for the students, teachers and family members from 11th June to 21st June. On 21st June Samapan Samaroh was held wherein all the participants practiced yoga for 45 minutes followed by a speech on significance of the day by Dipak Kumar Sir and a presentation of report on the 10 day Yoga Satra. Su. Rebati Didi, Jt. Secretary, VKSPV was the Guest Speaker. She emphasized upon the importance of yoga and exercises in our daily life. A group song was also performed followed by experience sharing by parents.
No. of Participants Offline: 22, No. of Participants Online: 161, Total No. of Participants: 183
Speaker on the day : Su. Rebati Devi, Jt. Secretary, VKSPV, Guwahati.
After the programme a Vishesh Swadyhay Competition was organized for the supporting staff members of the school where Sri Narayan Mech was the winner. He was also the winner of Craft Competition on the same day where decorative items have to be prepared from waste materials.
Rabha Divas
Death anniversary of Kalaguru Bishnuprasad Rabha or Rabha Divas was observed on 20th June 2021 on a virtual mode. Pinakshi Kumar, a student of class X and Ranjit Sir presented two beautiful Rabha Sangeet followed by a speech on the significance of the day by Dipak Kumar Sir.