Reading Festival

Reading skill is foundational for reading and literacy. Our Vidyalaya organized a Reading Festival on 24th to 26th June 2024 necessary for the evaluation of phonemic awareness in students from classes 1, 2, and 3, which was analyzed by 19 teachers across different classrooms. 


Class - 1:      Total Students 39.

                      Students in Class 1 are in the early stages of developing phonemic awareness.


                     Key Findings:

                     Identification of Sounds Approximately 40percent of students can identify             individual sounds in words.



                     Difficulties were noted in blending sounds to form words, with only 40% of           students demonstrating proficiency.


                     Instructional Strategies: 

                     Utilization of songs, rhymes, and interactive reading sessions. Teachers                  recommended increasing the use of phonemic games to improve engagement        and retention.


Class - 2:     Total Students 43.

                    Class 2, students show improved phonemic awareness, with more students             achieving basic competencies. 45percent of students can break down words into   individual phonemes.



                  Some students still struggle with more complex phonemic tasks such as deletion of phonemes and transposition (the ability to change the sequence of sounds).


                     Instructional Strategies:

                     Teachers implemented more advanced exercises such as segmenting and                blending multisyllabic words. Continued use of interactive activities, with an        additional focus on targeted interventions for students struggling with complex      tasks.


Class - 3:     Total Students 41.

                    Most of class 3 students exhibit strong phonemic awareness, which supports          their reading  practices.


                     Key Findings:

                     60 percent of students can handle complex phonemic tasks.


                     Fluency and Speed:

               There is a notable increase in the speed and fluency with which students can     manipulate phonemes.



                    A small percentage of students still need support with advanced phonemic tasks.   Instructional strategies emphasis on individualized support and more challenging phonemic exercises. Encouragement of peer-assisted learning and literacy games to maintain high engagement levels.

The progression from Class 1 to Class 3 shows significant growth in phonemic awareness among students. The majority of students meet expected benchmarks by Class 3, although a tailored approach is necessary for students who require additional support. Recommendations include ongoing professional development for teachers to share best practices and strategies for phonemic instruction.

Inter School Model United Nations

Vivekananda Kendra Vidyalaya, NEEPCO Bokuloni, had the opportunity to participate in the South Indian Inter School Model United Nations. A total of 13 students from classes VIII-X took part in this prestigious event.

The event was conducted in two phases. The first phase was an orientation cum training program held on June 8, 2024. Following this, the final presentation took place on June 15, 2024, via Zoom.

The final presentation and opening ceremony began with the introduction of the jury members. The final presentations were divided into different slots corresponding to various committees. The program started at 9:00 AM and concluded at 6:00 PM.

During the opening ceremony, students were divided into different categories according to their committee. The session, conducted from 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM, saw enthusiastic and active participation from all students. They shared their ideas, views, and opinions with other delegates from different countries.

The results were declared during the closing ceremony, receiving positive feedback from the jury members. Notable achievements include:

  • High Commendation Category: The delegate of Japan, represented by Monirmoy Borgohain (Class X), under the Committee of the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC).
  • Special Mention Category: The delegate of India, represented by Tanushka Dutta (Class X), under the Committee of ECOSOC.
  • Verbal Mention Category: The delegate of France by Kabita Thapa (Class X) under ECOSOC. This accolade is a testament to Kabita’s exceptional skills in diplomacy and her comprehensive understanding of international socio-economic issues.
  • High Commendation Award : This prestigious recognition was awarded by the delegate of Pakistan, represented by Akangsha Dutta of class VIII, under the Committee of WHO.

Moreover, in the Best Position Paper category, Angelina Duwara of class  X representing Turkey under the Committee of WHO, received the award. Angelina's paper stood out for its insightful analysis and strategic solutions to global health challenges, showcasing her profound knowledge and dedication.

The efforts and performances of the remaining eight students did not go unnoticed. They were highly appreciated by the jury board members for their active participation and valuable contributions to the discussions and resolutions at the MUN conference.

In a remarkable development, Miss Akangsha Dutta has been selected to participate in the International MUN, which is scheduled to be held in August. This selection is a significant milestone, reflecting her outstanding capabilities and potential to excel on an international platform.

These achievements highlight the hard work, dedication, and excellence of our students in the realm of international diplomacy and policy-making. We extend our heartfelt congratulations to all the participants and look forward to their future successes.

The students of  our Vidyalaya displayed commendable performance, gaining invaluable experience and learning from this international platform.

International Yoga Day

Date: 21/06/24

Organized by: VKV NEEPCO Bokuloni
Incharge Principal: Smt. Meghna Kakoty

NEEPCO Program

Chief Guest: HOP, Shri Opang Ering
Incharge: Ranjit Domai 
Number of Participants: 230

Anchoring – Chandana Pathak 

The event commenced with a prayer followed by a series of yoga practices which included loosening practices, sitting asanas, standing asanas, Surya Namaskar, and Pranayama. The session was well-coordinated by teachers Bornali Didi, Sushila Didi, Chandana Didi, and Papu Saikia Didi.

Yoga for Aitas at Bokuloni Charali

Chief Guest: Smt. Pranati Gogoi
Incharge: Principal Meghna Kakoty, Shabnam Didi, Pransumoni Borah Didi
Number of Participants: Around 60 Aitas

This session focused on specific standing and sitting asanas, as well as various pranayama techniques, providing a comprehensive yoga experience for the Aitas.

Chichia Bokuloni School, Bokuloni

Principal: Smt. Bobita Sonowal
Incharge: Samar Chiring Sir
Number of Participants: 65

The program at Chichia Bokuloni School began with a prayer, followed by a structured yoga routine which included loosening practices, sitting asanas, standing asanas, Surya Namaskar, and pranayama. The teachers in charge were Srivastav Sir, Samar Sir, Ranjit Sir, and Sudhir Kumar Sir.

VKV NEEPCO Bokuloni Program

Anchoring: Emon Bhagawati Didi
Speech: Sudhir Kumar Sir
Incharge: Samar Chiring Sir, Pranshumoni Borah Didi
Song: Ranjit Domai Sir
Number of Participants: 405

The VKV NEEPCO Bokuloni program was a comprehensive event featuring a prayer, a series of yoga practices including loosening practices, sitting asanas, standing asanas, Surya Namaskar, and pranayama. The entire teaching staff participated in organizing and managing the event.


The International Yoga Day celebrations organized by VKV NEEPCO Bokuloni across four locations were a grand success, with a total participation of 760 individuals. The events were meticulously planned and executed, ensuring active engagement from all attendees. The presence of esteemed guests, including Smt. Pranati Gogoi, Shri. Opang Ering Sir, and Smt. Bobita Sonowal, and the dedicated efforts of the in-charge teachers greatly contributed to the success of the program.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to all participants, guests, and organizers for making this event memorable and for promoting the significance of yoga in enhancing our well-being.

School Name: Vivekananda Kendra Vidyalaya (NEEPCO) Bokuloni
Number of Places: 4
Total Number of Participants: 760

  1. Smt. Pranati Gogoi Aita (Bokuloni Aita)
  2. Shri. Opang Ering Sir (HOP), NEEPCO Bokuloni
  3. Smt. Bobita Sonowal Baideo (Headmistress, Chichia School)

Bishnu Rabha Divas

On the 20th of June 2024, our school observed Bishnu Rabha Divas with great reverence and enthusiasm, celebrating the life and contributions of Kalaguru Bishnu Prasad Rabha. The event was graced by the esteemed presence of Shri. Suryya Bhagawati, a distinguished composer, lyricist, and singer whose work has been deeply influenced by the legendary figures of Bishnu Prasad Rabha, Roopkonwar Jyoti Prasad Agarwala, and Dr. Bhupen Hazarika. His song, "Tumi Amar Babe Bishnu Rabha," holds a place of honor at the samadhi of Bishnu Prasad Rabha in Tezpur, signifying his lifelong dedication to music and social reform.

The program commenced with an eloquent anchoring by Emon Bhagawati Didi, setting the tone for the day's events. Richa Gogoi Didi provided an insightful explanation of the significance of Bishnu Rabha Divas, highlighting the profound impact of Bishnu Prasad Rabha on Assamese culture and society.

A PowerPoint presentation was shown, detailing the life and musical journey of Shri. Suryya Bhagawati. This presentation illustrated his significant role in using music as a tool for societal reform during his tenure at BVFCL Namrup, where he actively led the trade union and composed numerous songs addressing the rights and struggles of common people, women's empowerment, and children's education.

Following the presentation, Shri. Suryya Bhagawati delivered a speech on the diverse ways music can bring about societal reform. He emphasized the richness of our Lok Sanskriti (folk culture) and how music serves as a powerful tool for social awareness and change.

Shri. Suryya Bhagawati performed several of his songs, each reflecting themes of common people's rights, women's empowerment, and children's education. His songs, deeply rooted in the struggles and aspirations of ordinary people, resonated with the audience, evoking a sense of unity and purpose. Notably, he performed "We Are the Same Boat Brothers," a song that emphasizes solidarity and collective effort.

Additionally, he shared anecdotes about Bishnu Prasad Rabha's father, providing a personal touch to the historical narrative and deepening the audience's appreciation of Rabha's legacy.

The event was a testament to our rich cultural heritage and the enduring influence of Bishnu Prasad Rabha. It served as an educational and inspirational experience for all attendees, particularly the students, who gained a deeper understanding of the importance of preserving and promoting our cultural traditions.

In conclusion, the Observation of Bishnu Rabha Divas 2024 was a resounding success, marked by heartfelt tributes, educational insights, and the unifying power of music. We extend our sincere gratitude to Suryya Bhagawati and all participants for their contributions to this memorable event.

Valedictory Programme (PDC)

 Date: [14/06/24]

The Valedictory Programme for the Personality Development Camp for Class VI, held at Vivekananda Kendra Vidyalaya (NEEPCO), Bokuloni, commenced at 11:45 AM. The event marked the successful conclusion of the camp, which spanned from 10th to 14th June 2024.

The programme began with a warm welcome from the anchor, Parishmita Nath Didi. The dignitaries present included our esteemed Principal, Smt. Meghana Kakoti Didi, and the Chief Guest, Dr. Monprativ Barooah, Chief Medical Officer at Oil India Limited Hospital, Duliajan.

To inaugurate the event, the ceremonial lamp lighting was conducted by the Chief Guest and the Principal, accompanied by the Mangalaacharan, setting a solemn and auspicious tone for the proceedings.

Following the lamp lighting, Smt. Meghna kakoty Didi, Principal VKV (NEEPCO) Bokuloni, formally felicitated Dr. Monprativ Barooah, honoring his presence and contributions. The audience was introduced to Dr. Barooah’s extensive achievements in medical and community health advocacy, highlighting his prominence as a speaker on physical and mental health issues.

The students then performed Geeta chanting, filling the atmosphere with a sense of reverence and devotion. This was followed by the melodious rendition of the Shibir Geet by the students, a song that embodies the spirit and ethos of the camp. The performances were heartfelt and showcased the students' dedication and learning.

Parishmita Nath Didi presented a detailed report on the camp activities, summarizing the various sessions and workshops conducted. The report highlighted the key learnings and experiences of the students, emphasizing the importance of cultural practices, physical well-being, and spiritual growth.

The students then showcased a Yoga display, demonstrating the postures and sequences they had learned during the camp. This performance not only displayed their physical agility and discipline but also underscored the significance of Yoga in maintaining a balanced and healthy lifestyle.

Following the Yoga display, a few students came forward to share their experiences from the camp. They spoke about the knowledge they had gained, the friendships they had formed, and the personal growth they had experienced. These testimonials were heartfelt and provided insight into the impact of the camp on their young minds.

Dr. Monprativ Barooah delivered an inspiring speech, appreciating the efforts of the school in organizing such a meaningful camp. He spoke about the importance of health and wellness, and how personality development is integral to a successful and fulfilling life. His words were encouraging and left a lasting impression on the audience.

The programme concluded with a Vote of Thanks by Samar Chiring. He expressed gratitude to the Chief Guest, the Principal, the teachers, and all the participants for making the event a grand success. He also thanked the parents for their support and the students for their enthusiastic participation.

The Valedictory Programme was a fitting end to the Personality Development Camp, celebrating the achievements and learnings of the participants. It was a day of reflection, recognition, and inspiration, leaving everyone with a sense of accomplishment and motivation to continue their journey of personal growth.

Personality Development Camp for Class VI (2024)

Date: 10/06/24 - 14/06/24

Venue: Vivekananda Kendra Vidyalaya (NEEPCO), Bokuloni

The Personality Development Camp for Class VI students was held at our vidyalaya, from June 10 to June 14, 2024. The camp, organized under the able guidance of Smt. Meghna Kakoty, Principal VKV (NEEPCO ), Bokuloni , aimed to foster personal growth, leadership skills, and a sense of community among the students.

Camp Coordinators:

Principal: Meghna Kakoty

  • Shibir Pramukh: Sanjay Srivastava
  • Shibir Sah-Pramukh: Parishmita Nath, Pransu Moni Borah
  • Boudhik Pramukh: Chandana Pathak
  • Sharirik Pramukh: Pransu Moni Borah
  • Vyavastha Pramukh: Nishant Agarwal
  • Gana Pramukh: Parishmita Nath
  • Samay Pramukh: Ranjit Domai, Nishant Agarwal
  • Shakshi Vinayak: Pransu Moni Borah

Daily Sessions and Activities:


  • Inauguration: Principal, Smt. Meghna Kakoty Didi introduced the camp and its objectives.
  • Session on Personality: Conducted by Principal, Smt. Meghna Kakoty, focusing on Swami Vivekananda as an exemplary personality.


  • Inspirational Stories: Sudip Bhattacharya Sir shared the stories of Mananeeya Eknath Ji and Shila Smarak.
  • Boldness and Confidence: Discussed Swami Vivekananda's boldness, his travels, and his contributions to spiritual and social causes.


  • Understanding Culture: Chandana Pathak Didi explained the significance of the Guru-Shishya parampara.
  • Team Building: Samar Chiring Sir conducted activities emphasizing teamwork and leadership.


  • Cultural Insights: Jyotsna Srivastav Didi shared insights on Bharatiya Sanskriti, explaining the importance of rituals like Namaskar and Pujas.
  • Skit Preparation: Students prepared and presented skits under the guidance of Alankrita S Baruah Didi and Ranjit Domai Sir.


  • Detailed Planning: Discussion and planning for future Samskar Varga sessions.
  • Concluding Session: The camp concluded with a reflection session led by Sanjay Srivastava Sir and Samar Chiring Sir.

Daily Games:

  • 10/06/24: Conducted by Pransumoni Borah Didi
  • 11/06/24: Conducted by Bir Kumar Panika Sir
  • 12/06/24: Conducted by Richa Gogoi Didi
  • 13/06/24: Conducted by Pransumoni Borah Didi

Group Discussions:

  • Leadership Quality: Conducted by Sudhir Kumar Sir
  • Clay Modelling: Samar Chiring  Sir conducted a hands-on session using waste materials.
  • Samskar Varga Role-Play: Students enacted various roles to understand the essence of Samskar Varga.


  • 10/06/24: Jyotsna Srivastav led the session (Sahas).
  • 11/06/24: Shabnam kotoky led the session (Samarpan).
  • 12/06/24: Sushila Chetry led the session (Swabhiman).
  • 13/06/24: Emon Bhagwati Borah led the session (Anusasan).

Aajna and Yoga Abhiyas:

Sessions were held by Pranshumoni Borah, Bir Kumar Pranikar, and Samar Chiring, focusing on physical fitness and mental well-being.

Prayer Sessions:

Conducted daily by Ranjit Domai and class VIII students, involving prayers, stotra, Geeta recitations, and mantras, fostering spiritual growth and discipline among the participants.

The Personality Development Camp was a significant step towards nurturing well-rounded individuals, ready to take on future challenges with confidence and integrity. The camp's success was marked by enthusiastic participation and positive feedback from both students and instructors. The holistic approach to personality development ensured that each student left with valuable skills and unforgettable experiences.


We express our heartfelt gratitude to all the coordinators, especially Smt.Meghna Kakoty, Principal  VKV NEEPCO, Bokuloni for their unwavering support and guidance throughout the camp.

National Herbs and Spices Day

On June 10th 2024, our Vidyalaya celebrated Herbs and Spice Day with a delightful event that brought together teachers and staff in a unique and engaging manner. The event was organized with the aim of educating participants about the various herbs and spices, their benefits, and their importance in daily life.

The celebration began with the collection of around 18 different spices, each with its own distinct aroma and texture. The highlight of the event was a blindfolded game where teachers were asked to identify these spices using only their sense of touch and smell. The game saw enthusiastic participation, with two teachers taking the lead while the rest enjoyed the spirited competition.

The atmosphere was filled with excitement as teachers tested their knowledge and sensory skills. Among the participants, a winner was chosen based on the number of correctly identified spices, adding a competitive edge to the fun-filled activity.

Following the game, Srivastav Sir delivered an insightful talk on the benefits of various spices in our daily lives. He emphasized the importance of incorporating these natural ingredients into our diets and maintaining a stock of them at home for their numerous health benefits to balance the three doshas, the basic human types. His talk enriched the participants' understanding of the holistic advantages of spices beyond their culinary uses.

The event concluded successfully under the guidance of Principal Meghna Kakoty Didi. Her support and leadership ensured that the day was both educational and enjoyable for everyone involved. The event wrapped up with the distribution of gifts to the participants, followed by the Shanti Path, which brought a peaceful and reflective end to the day's activities.

Herbs and Spice Day at our Vidyalaya was an amazing experience that highlighted the essential role of spices in our lives. The event not only provided valuable knowledge but also fostered a sense of community and fun among the teachers.

This celebration was a testament to the school's commitment to holistic education and well-being, making it a memorable day for all participants. 

Mathematics Quiz Competition

On June 9th, VKV NEEPCO Bokuloni, in collaboration with the Applied Mathematics of Skills, successfully organized a Mathematics quiz competition. The event was conducted under the guidance of Nishant Agarwal Sir with the support of Smt. Meghna Kakoty Didi, the esteemed Principal of VKV NEEPCO Bokuloni.

The competition saw enthusiastic participation from students across classes V to X. The primary objective of the event was to reduce the phobia of mathematics among students and  foster  love for the subject. To ensure broad participation and convenience, the quiz was conducted in an online mode, allowing students to compete from the comfort of their homes.

The students exhibited great enthusiasm and competitive spirit throughout the event. The quiz not only tested their mathematical skills but also aimed to build their confidence and interest in the subject.

The event was a resounding success, thanks to the meticulous planning and execution by the faculty and the enthusiastic participation of the students. It marks a significant step towards making mathematics an engaging and enjoyable subject for young learners.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to Nishant Agarwal for his guidance and to Smt. Meghna Kakoty Didi Principal,VKV( NEEPCO), Bokuloni for her unwavering support and leadership. We look forward to organizing more such events in the future to continue fostering a positive learning environment at VKV NEEPCO Bokuloni.

Food Safety Day

On June 7, 2024, our Vidyalaya enthusiastically celebrated Food Safety Day with the active participation of Class VII students. The event, organized under the expert guidance of Jyotsna Srivastav Didi, aimed to educate students about the crucial aspects of food safety and nutrition.

Event Activities and Highlights:

Student Participation and Presentations: Students were tasked with preparing various food items at home and bringing them to school. Each student presented their dish, explaining the nutritional benefits, including the proteins and vitamins present in their food.

Educational Session on Food Safety: Srivastav Sir delivered an informative talk on the importance of food in our daily lives. He emphasized the necessity of checking manufacturing and expiry dates when purchasing food items to ensure their safety and quality.

Food Tasting and Fireless Cooking: Teachers and Smt. Meghna Kakoty, Principal VKV (NEEPCO) Bokuloni, took part in tasting the diverse array of food items prepared by the students.

Some students demonstrated the concept of fireless cooking, discussing its importance and benefits in ensuring safety and convenience.

Conclusion: The Food Safety Day celebration was a resounding success, significantly enhancing the students' understanding of food safety and nutrition. The event fostered a sense of responsibility among students towards healthy eating practices. The guidance of Jyotsna Srivastav Didi and the support from Principal Didi were pivotal in making this educational event impactful and enjoyable.

We look forward to organizing more such informative and engaging events in the future to continue our commitment to the holistic development of our students.

PPT. Presentation on different Migratory Birds of NEEPCO Campus

 Date: 5th June

Occasion: Environment Day

Venue: School Auditorium

Guest Speaker: Chiranjit Boruah, Assistant Officer, Chemical Department, NEEPCO

Overview: On the occasion of Environment Day, a special Ppt. presentation on bird watching was organized at our school. The event aimed to educate the young students of classes III, IV, and V about the diverse migratory birds found within the NEEPCO campus.

Guest Speaker: The presentation was conducted by Mr. Chiranjit Boruah, who serves as an Assistant Officer in the Chemical Department of NEEPCO. His extensive knowledge and passion for ornithology made the session both informative and engaging for the young audience.

Felicitation: Smt. Meghna Kakoty Didi, Principal, VKV (NEEPCO) Bokuloni graced the event and felicitated Sir with a traditional Fhulam Gamusa. Following this, Chandana Didi inaugurated the programme with an inspiring speech about the importance of environmental conservation.

Event Highlights:

             Presentation Content: Mr. Boruah showcased a series of captivating images of various migratory birds. The list of birds included:

o             Blue-throated Barbet

o             Yellow Wagtail/White Wagtail

o             Black Hooded Oriole

o             Rose-ringed Paraket

o             Yellow-footed Green Pigeon

o             White-capped Water Redstart

o             Hodgson’s Redstart

o             White-breasted Waterhen

o             Blue Rock Thrush

             Students' Reaction: The students were thrilled to see the vibrant images of the birds. Their enthusiasm was evident as they eagerly participated in identifying the different species shown during the presentation.

             Educational Message: Mr. Boruah emphasized the importance of trees as essential habitats for birds. He advocated against deforestation, highlighting how crucial it is to preserve these natural habitats to support avian life and biodiversity.

Conclusion: The bird watching presentation was a resounding success. It not only captivated the young audience but also instilled in them a sense of responsibility towards nature conservation. The students left the auditorium with a deeper understanding and appreciation of the avian species that coexist with us.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to Mr. Chiranjit Boruah for his insightful presentation and to Principal Meghna Kakoty Didi for her unwavering support in organizing this enlightening event.\

World Environment Day Celebrations

On June 5, 2024, our Vidyalaya hosted a special event in celebration of Environment Day, highlighting the importance of environmental conservation through cultural and historical narratives. The event featured an inauguration of a Sanskrit board connected to the Ramayana and an inspiring speech by Jyotsna Didi, which underscored the profound link between the environment and ancient Indian epics.

Opening Ceremony: The program commenced with Nishant Agarwal Sir anchoring the event. This was followed by the inauguration of the Sanskrit board named "Sanskrit Surabhi," created by the Class VIII students. The board serves as a testament to the rich cultural heritage and its relevance to environmental awareness.

Key Highlights of Jyotsna Didi's Speech

Congratulatory Message and Introduction: Jyotsna Didi extended heartfelt congratulations to all attendees, expressing her joy in presenting "Patrika," an educational piece that delves into the environmental teachings within the life journey of Lord Shriram.

Significance of the Date: Jyotsna Didi highlighted the symbolic significance of presenting "Patrika" on Environment Day. She explained the intrinsic connection between the life of Lord Shri Ram and the environment, aiming to inspire the audience to draw lessons from this relationship.

Environmental Inspiration from the Ramayana: She emphasized that Lord Shri Ram's fourteen years of exile provide a powerful example of environmental stewardship. From his birth to his administration and eventual passing, Shri Ram's life reflects a deep respect and love for nature.

Cultural and Historical Insights: The speech underscored the role of Indian culture, especially the Ramayana and Mahabharata, in imparting valuable lessons on environmental conservation. These ancient texts offer timeless teachings on living harmoniously with nature, which remain highly relevant today.

Application of Ancient Wisdom: Referring to specific examples from the Ramayana, Jyotsna Didi illustrated how Shriram's actions during his exile symbolize environmental consciousness. She detailed how Shriram and his companions respected and preserved the forest environment, emphasizing nature's role in their survival and success.

Modern Relevance: She encouraged the audience to apply the environmental teachings from the Ramayana to contemporary conservation efforts. The principles of respecting and protecting nature, as demonstrated by Shri Ram, can guide modern practices and policies aimed at preserving the environment.

Additional Activities

Speech by Sudip Sir: Following Jyotsna Didi's speech, Sudip Sir delivered a motivating talk on the significance of Environment Day, inspiring students to take an active role in environmental conservation. Sir added what can we do as individuals to contribute to environmental conservation. For this we need to take some practical steps that each of us can take in our daily lives.

Group Discussions and Competitions: Two group discussions were held, categorized by junior and senior groups. The junior group discussed "Our Land and Our Future," while the senior group tackled "Land Restoration, Desertification, and Drought Resilience." Students presented their insights in groups, demonstrating a deep understanding of the topics.

Judging and Conclusion: Judges Banashree Didi and Sudip Sir evaluated the presentations and posed questions to the participants. The program concluded with a Shanti Path, leaving a lasting impact on the attendees.


The Environment Day celebrations at VKV NEEPCO Bokuloni successfully reinforced the importance of environmental stewardship among students and staff. Jyotsna Didi’s insights into the Ramayana provided a rich, historical perspective on how ancient wisdom can inform and inspire modern efforts to protect our planet. The event emphasized the deep-rooted connection between cultural narratives and environmental conservation, making a significant impression on all participants.

About - Ram Jeevan Yatra ( Main focus was given on Ram Jeevan Yatra)

The "Ram Jeevan Yatra" is an educational initiative that explores the life journey of Lord Shri Ram, focusing on the environmental teachings embedded in his story. Through this initiative, students learn about the importance of living harmoniously with nature, drawing inspiration from ancient texts to apply in contemporary environmental conservation efforts.